Life Insurance

Leverage Insurance provides life insurance and other protection planning services to individuals in Florida that are seeking a customized approach and personal touch for all of their insurance needs.

Life Insuance.

Protecting Your family’s Future

What are the things that you love most about your life? Do you have a significant other that has been with you through all the good times and the bad? What about children or grandchildren that you have seen grow, and embraced all of what life has had to offer them? Or, perhaps you have a family member that has a future for more than a basic education.

If all goes according to plan you will have a long, enjoyable, fruitful retirement. Your home will be paid off, any toys that you have would already be financial taken care of and past or future debts would be accounted for… But you realize that the unexpected could happen at any time.

Everyone deserves a secure financial future. That is one of the reasons why life insurance has proven, over and over again, to be a sound part of many people’s protection planning. Life insurance is about protecting your family’s future, in case the unexpected happens.

life insurance plans
what is life insurance

Coverage To Rely On.

What Is Life Insurance

Life insurance is a form of coverage that many people rely on to provide for their families in the event that they pass.

It is a contract between the individual and the life insurance company. The individual pays an annual premium and in return, the insurance company pays a sum of money to the policy holders’ beneficiaries when the policy holder is no longer with us.

Life insurance can be incredibly beneficial for anyone who has dependents and would like to provide for them in the event of their passing.

Customized To Your Need.

Life Insurance Solutions

Your insurance policy can be customized to take many shapes and forms according to your individual needs.

Whether you’re just starting out or getting ready to retire, a life insurance policy can help give your family the peace of mind they are looking for.

life insurance solutions

Replace Your Income

Be sure that your family can pay any bills or send a child to college.

Protection Planning

Protect your retirement savings or assist you with long term care options

Leaving A Legacy

Transfer your wealth to who you want and on your own terms.

Looking For More Information?

Learn More About Life Insurance

What Type Is Best.

Types of Life Insurance

In general, there are 3 main types of life insurance. Each has its own characteristics and should be carefully thought through before you make any decision. At Leverage insurance, we are here to help you get the information that you need in order to make these important decisions.


Call Today To Get Your FREE Customized Life Insurance Quote! (239) 932-7579


Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance coverage can provide a financial safety net. It is a policy that is designed for a specific period of time that helps cover things like short-term debts or adds protection during child raising years.


Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance is also known as permanent insurance. Permanent life insurance provides protect on an ongoing basis for your entire lifetime as your premiums are paid. It will also pay benefits to your survivors should you pass.


Universal Life Insurance

Universal life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance. Unlike term insurance, which only lasts for a fixed period of time, universal life’s coverage is not limited in time. This type of policy also allows borrowing against policy’s cash value and other additional benefits.

The Protection Benefits.

Life Insurance

Have you been thinking about getting life insurance in Florida and don’t know where to start? At Leverage Insurance, we do our best to give you the best experience possible. We work with top carriers so that you get the right coverage that is tailored for your specific needs. Contact us today for your free, no obligation quote.

Get Your Customized Protection Plan

Contact us today to learn more about how a customized Protection Plan can ease your mind and let you feel secure about your future. Complete the form below.

Get Your Customized Protection Plan

Contact us today to learn more about how a customized Protection Plan can ease your mind and let you feel secure about your future. Complete the form below.

Get Your Customized Protection Plan

Contact us today to learn more about how a customized Protection Plan can ease your mind and let you feel secure about your future. Complete the form below.